Mecha Storm II Quest System
Mecha Storm II Quest Completion
Nexomania Quest System
Nexomania Quest System
Nexomania Quest System
Featured Collection Page
Content Collection Page
Unseen Item Animation
All Owned Category Animation
Loot Chest Carousel
Loot Chest Reveal Screen
Loot Chest Coin
Heroes Brawl Hero Pick Screen
Heroes Brawl Hero Pick Screen
Death Recap
Gul'dan: Hero UI
Valla: Hero UI
Li-Ming: Hero UI
Alarak and Tracer: Hero UI
Mecha Storm II Quest System
Mecha Storm II Quest System

Designed a narrative quest system for the Mecha Storm II special event.

Assisted with C++, UI layout, and art implementation.

Mecha Storm II Quest Completion
Mecha Storm II Quest Completion

Designed a narrative quest system for the Mecha Storm II special event.

Assisted with C++, UI layout, and art implementation.

Nexomania Quest System
Nexomania Quest System

Designed Nexomania special event quest system.

Assisted with C++, UI layout, and art implementation.

Nexomania Quest System
Nexomania Quest System

Designed Nexomania special event quest system.

Assisted with C++, UI layout, and art implementation.

Nexomania Quest System
Nexomania Quest System

Designed Nexomania special event quest system.

Assisted with C++, UI layout, and art implementation.

Featured Collection Page
Featured Collection Page

Worked on layout and back end logic. 

Content Collection Page
Content Collection Page

Worked on layout and back end logic.

Unseen Item Animation
Unseen Item Animation

Animation that will play on newly unlocked Collection items. Worked on animation and back end logic. 

All Owned Category Animation
All Owned Category Animation

Animation that will play when all of the items in a category are owned. Worked on the animation and back end logic.

Loot Chest Carousel
Loot Chest Carousel

Worked on 2D elements, 2D animations, and back end logic. 

Loot Chest Reveal Screen
Loot Chest Reveal Screen

Worked on 2D elements, 2D animations, and back end logic. 

Loot Chest Coin
Loot Chest Coin

Worked on 2D elements and animations. 

Heroes Brawl Hero Pick Screen
Heroes Brawl Hero Pick Screen

Worked on layout, animations, back end logic.

Heroes Brawl Hero Pick Screen
Heroes Brawl Hero Pick Screen

Worked on layout, 2D animations, and back end logic. 

Death Recap
Death Recap

Worked on layout and back end logic. 

Gul'dan: Hero UI
Gul'dan: Hero UI

Worked on layout, animations and back end logic.

Valla: Hero UI
Valla: Hero UI

Worked on layout, animations and back end logic for generic hero UI templates used for multiple heroes. 

Li-Ming: Hero UI
Li-Ming: Hero UI

Worked on layout, animations and back end logic. 

Alarak and Tracer: Hero UI
Alarak and Tracer: Hero UI

Worked on layout, animations, and back end logic.